Monday, May 11, 2009

where we are

they call u the divinchi of our time what do u have to say to that? stupid i am not a painter ... what do u say to your other nickname the merchant of death? ehh that ones not that bad lol some say that 18 is the best age to be yourself but as i am slowly nearing it i feel like thats bull i mean we have to worry about so much, if u have a car u have to worry about insurance and gas, if your going away for college maybe living in a new place making new friends dealing with a whole new look of things, being used the same stuff everyday makes everything feel nice u know. i never have to worry about anything changing and if it does i know how to make it better. but the thing that i think is weird is i like it like this everyone says wow your not going away "my first chance out of this place i took" i wanted to stay here i like the same old stuff u know the same girl to come home to everyday the same friend that will be gone in not to long I'm gonna miss it i no i am going to college to make new friends and start my future and i know i have the summer to live my last few months of crazy shit out but its ending and i no its long but not that long. it just sucks new people to look at new teachers different classes and a different setting than my same old bosco buddies i no it will be tough and it does really suck i dont want it to END!!!

"where is the end is it there, how bout over there, wait what am i saying where is the door that says never ending happiness?"