Sunday, September 26, 2010


when it comes to pain there really is no way around it. unless you have no pain at all. lol . otherwise pain pretty much comes on 2 lvls psychologically or physically. personally i think that the first one is alot worse on urself. when something hurts your brain its the worst cause thats something you will think about the rest of you life. when losing a friend i think thats the worst type of pain you can possibly have and it really does hurt. my friend lost his really good friend to suicide during this past week. he called me the morning after and i could feel the anguish that was in his heart. i know what its like to lose someone close to you i have lost many close to me and i still am sad over those people. this type of pain stays in your heart pretty much forever and i know that it sounds like alot but there is silver lineing to all of this so listen closely. you have to use your memories. think about all the best things u had with that person the best even the worst and hold them very close to your heart. the wont ever go away but at least when u do this u will always have the good memories of them. that is what u should keep about this person. it will help u in the long run that when u get sad and think about this person automatically u will also think about all the amazing things u did with this person. so all and all keep the things u cherish most as close to your heart as u can, because one day u might meet them again and the second u see them ull know exactly what to talk about.

"memories are the souls of sinners"